Title: Pretty Young Things
Series: Spinful Classics: Betrayal (Book 1)
Author: Ace Gray
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 24, 2019
Release Date: January 24, 2019
Greed. Jealousy. Lust.
It all started with a bloody palm and a promise. Words beneath the
moonlight that I thought would keep us together. Forever.
moonlight that I thought would keep us together. Forever.
Deceit. Betrayal. Vengeance.
I didn’t see it coming. I didn’t think you had it in you. But what was
supposed to bury me—break me—simply remade me as something new. Something
hellbent on ruining you, my love.
supposed to bury me—break me—simply remade me as something new. Something
hellbent on ruining you, my love.
Author Bio
Ace Gray is a self-proclaimed troublemaker and connoisseur
of both the good life and fairy tales. After a life-long love affair with
books, she undertook writing the novel she wanted to read, which culminated in
her first release STRICTLY BUSINESS and followed with, well, quite a few more.
When she’s not writing, she works in craft beer. Originally a small town,
Colorado girl, she now loves rainy days, shellac manicures, coffee shops and
bourbon—all of which are bountiful in her adopted home of Portland, OR where
she runs amok with her chef husband and husky pup.
of both the good life and fairy tales. After a life-long love affair with
books, she undertook writing the novel she wanted to read, which culminated in
her first release STRICTLY BUSINESS and followed with, well, quite a few more.
When she’s not writing, she works in craft beer. Originally a small town,
Colorado girl, she now loves rainy days, shellac manicures, coffee shops and
bourbon—all of which are bountiful in her adopted home of Portland, OR where
she runs amok with her chef husband and husky pup.
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